21/04/21 – Creating a digital marketing strategy for a small business

OBCN member, Mary Thomas of Concise Training is holding a digital marketing strategy building session for members of the network.

This is aimed at those business people who do not have a joined up online presence or not getting success from the presence they do have.. At the end of this session, business people will have an action plan to go forward.

We will cover the importance of understanding your aims and audience and choosing the best channels to use (we will discuss a range of channels including website, social media, Google My Business). We will look at creating a variety of content for each channel in a planned way as well as the resource (time and budget required) and how to measure success.

Mary Thomas (MCIM)



Book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creating-a-digital-marketing-strategy-for-a-small-business-tickets-145761248819

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