Data Protection Best Practice Group for OBCN members

Our thanks to our members Databasix UK for leading this new Best Practice Group. As an organisation, OBCN are committed to providing choice and value to all our members and this session provided both.

If you value your data and were unable to join us, then you missed a really valuable, thought provoking session.

OBCN co-Director, Mike Foster said “It was a great session and from the level of questions and comments, then I know there was much value taken away from today. Databasix UK have the knack of taking what can be a complex, sometimes contradicting area, and making it easier to implement with their practical approach. We are grateful to them for offering to run this best practice group for our members.”

Mike Foster opened the session, followed by a warm welcome from Neil Partridge and Regina Lally from Databasix, who gave an overview of the concept and how the session would run.

Neil explained they wanted to cover “What matters to you” and “What you are worried about” when it comes to data protection. He then committed to look at the law and the practical ways to approach it, whilst also encouraging us to share best practice or ask questions.

The session was broken down into small sections covering some hot topics around data protection. Firstly Regina shared her expertise, knowledge and experience together with examples or case studies. We then held an open discussion around each area, where ‘Chatham house rules’ applied encouraging questions and sharing of experiences.

OBCN Co-Director, Ben Thompson said; “As a recruitment agency owner, it is so important to us that we go above and beyond the law to protect our client’s and candidate’s data, but doing this can sometimes be a minefield! I must say this morning’s session was incredibly useful, thanks to really practical but easy-to-understand advice from Regina and Nick, so much so I’m already looking forward to the next one!

The areas we covered in this session were:

Data Retention

  • The risk of storing data for too long or not long enough
  • The practical implementation of retention periods
  • Considerations for setting the timescales

Cookies and Google Analytics

  • Cookie guidance update from July 2019
  • What is strictly necessary and non-essential requiring consent

Age Appropriate Design Code

  • The background, context and areas of protection provided by the code
  • The 15 standards of age-appropriate design and issues to consider

Data Protection Training and timescales

  • Top tips, training schedules and what to cover
  • Core or Enhanced training plus problem solving

What some of our members said:

“A fantastic informative and interactive session on the application of GDPR. The discussions and sharing of challenges, thoughts, what works well was extremely helpful and gave reassurance which was a great bonus.” Anita Wingad, Community Enterprise Catalyst Oxfordshire, Community Catalysts

“A morning jam packed with valuable practical information to help you review your GDPR compliance. It’s something which all businesses should take seriously and this Best Practice Group was really helpful to remind us all on the areas to focus on” Tracy Smart, Founder of The Smart Team

“It was a great insight into the regulatory requirements, allowing support with practical application into various business sectors. The discussions provoked interesting approaches in ensuring compliance is achieved, in refreshing ways.” Nicki Campling Ecosystem Manager, Barclays Eagle Labs Oxford

“Really enjoyed the session, Regina and Neil are very knowledgeable and there were some great group discussion elements throughout!” Josh Cox, Owner Prystine Web Solutions

For more information about our hosts Databasix UK, please visit

You can also read more about Databasix in our member profile blog ‘Are you serious about your data?’ at

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