18 months of community connections in Oxfordshire

We are now 18 months into our partnership project with Oxfordshire County Council and I am still amazed by people’s compassion and commitment. I’ve been working with amazing local people who want to develop community and small enterprises offering care or support to other local people.

A drawn image showing a community enterprise leader helping someone with cleaning

The number of people interested in setting up their own community enterprises is astounding – I have already received 183 enquiries and have 78 people currently signed up to our programme of support. The high numbers coming through are a fantastic result for our local community, particularly given the challenges presented by the Covid restrictions during the project so far.

Interest in the project, is testament to the amazing sharers and connectors in Oxfordshire: people engaging with social media, support from Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council staff, the local Job Centre, partner organisations and other local organisations, such as Citizens Advice, as well as active residents – thank you all for your support and spreading the word.

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